Sunday, August 23, 2009


Just a quick reminder of why we should always be afraid of German guns.

Ok, let's start off with a relatively unpopular German weapon. The FG42. It was designed specifically for German Paratroopers to fill both the purpose of a long range rifle AND an automatic machine gun.

What seemed to be a simple stopgap solution turned out to be the basis for two modern weapon types;
the assault rifle AND the side-fed SAW guns like the M60.

Next, the fearsome MG42. This weapon was so advanced(for the time), it could fire at a rate of 1200 rounds per minute. That's twenty bullets every second. Fortunately for the Allies, it was not in very large supply, they only had to deal with the older MGs. The US and British army had training sections that taught their infantry how to deal with the psychological aspect of facing an MG42. It shot bullets at a rate that made it impossible for a human ear to detect the number of shots fire if the trigger was squeezed. It made a 'ripping' sound that earned the MG42 the nickname "Hitler's Zipper". The MG42 has influenced many modern designs and has served till the year 1999.

This is the mp28. Even though it's a WW1 era weapon, it was one of the first submachine guns ever, and when the Brits discovered it, they wrote in the Versailles Treaty that the German's were not allowed to research this sort of weapon, as it was too deadly.

German tanks are a different story. They weren't the best tanks(the Russians made better tanks towards the end of the war), but the Panther and Tiger were too high tech for WW2 tanks.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

epic tank almost fail

I tried out a three-coloured camo with my Tiger II, but it failed. Miserably.

First layer was green(no pic), then I covered the bits I wanted in green with glutack, then sprayed it beige.

Then I covered the bits I wanted in beige with more glutack, and sprayed the rest in brown.

Trust me, it came out bad. So I changed it all to this:

This post is very old, I just realized that it was laying around unpublished.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I don't like talkin' bout politics, but I've gotta admit, even though George W. Bush failed epicly as a politician, he succeeded as a comedian. Here's some of the things he said while in office:

I know how hard it is for you to put food on your family

I care what 51 percent of the people think about me.

I know the human being and the fish can coexist peacefully.

It was amazing I won. I was running against peace and prosperity and incumbency.

Well, you know, I think the American people are sacrificing now. I think they're waiting in airport lines longer than they've ever had before.

There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — [pauses] - shame on you. Fool me — You can't get fooled again.

I'm sure there's plenty more out there, but I'm not in the mood for THIS blog in particular.
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