Thursday, December 31, 2009

Sunday, December 27, 2009

The 'alien' alien

There must be some interesting way of depicting an alien without it being just a distorted version of some known organism. The common depiction of the alien is an elongated human being, standing on it's rear legs, 2 eyes, a mouth and a large brain. It doesn't really seem alien to me. Just as God's are not Godly enough "We deny God as God.". Turns out we also deny that the alien is alien.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Thursday, October 22, 2009

a warning

if only blogging didnt take up so much time

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Clutch it like a cornerstone

Otherwise it all comes down

saturn ascends

comes round again

for one, for ten

ignorant to the damage done

wear the grudge like a crown

desperate to control.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

big ass tanks

Just to show how big the iron giant kv-ii was, i juxtaposed it with the tiger ii, which was one of the heaviest tanks back in the day.

Monday, September 14, 2009

trying out snow camo on the kv2

Sunday, September 13, 2009

testing one two three. Oh lordy! This thing actually works! I cannae believe i'm blogging on a phone. This is so mainstream. Yeesh, sooner or later this may lead to twitter. I don't like! You know what. Since this blog is quite unread, i may as well convert it to a mobile blog, for anything interesting i may find on my many travels around...sunway and the rest of the universe!

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Joker:You know how the last world war started? An argument over how many telephone poles Germany owed it's war debtors! HAHA! So, why can't you see the funny side? Why aren't you laughing?

Batman:(grabs the Joker)Because I heard it before, (whacks the Joker) and it wasn't funny the first time.

Ahh.. Batman and the Joker. the best comedic duo since Hitler and Stalin.

I actually pity the Joker. If there was two people to genuinely feel for in the fictional universe, it would be Batman and the Joker.

One account of the story of the joker goes like this:
He used to go by the name "Jack White". Jack worked at a chemical plant, but his real passion was stand up comedy. Encouraged by his pregnant wife, Jack quits his job at the chemical plant, and becomes a full time comedian. However, lacking the experience, and confidence, he bombs on stage night after night, and eventually hasn't enough to pay his rent=(

With a baby on the way, Jack looks for work with the mob. Some local gangsters hire him and use him to steal from the chemical plant he once worked for. While discussing terms with them at a bar, police come in and tell Jack that his pregnant wife was electrocuted to death in a freak accident.

Jack is stunned, but the gangsters coerce him into following through with their plan. The next night, Jack White is brought to the chemical plant and disguised. The Batman swoops in, and seeing Jack White(disguised as a criminal boss) hunts him down. Jack White falls into a vat of chemicals, but manages to swim to safety.

He removes his disguise and sees his reflection. His skin is bleached white, his eyes yellowed, lips swelled red, and hair gone green(lol?). Unable to cope with the random sequence of super bad luck, he goes mad, and becomes the Joker.

So, the next time you're frustrated, don't get even! Get MAD!

Sunday, August 23, 2009


Just a quick reminder of why we should always be afraid of German guns.

Ok, let's start off with a relatively unpopular German weapon. The FG42. It was designed specifically for German Paratroopers to fill both the purpose of a long range rifle AND an automatic machine gun.

What seemed to be a simple stopgap solution turned out to be the basis for two modern weapon types;
the assault rifle AND the side-fed SAW guns like the M60.

Next, the fearsome MG42. This weapon was so advanced(for the time), it could fire at a rate of 1200 rounds per minute. That's twenty bullets every second. Fortunately for the Allies, it was not in very large supply, they only had to deal with the older MGs. The US and British army had training sections that taught their infantry how to deal with the psychological aspect of facing an MG42. It shot bullets at a rate that made it impossible for a human ear to detect the number of shots fire if the trigger was squeezed. It made a 'ripping' sound that earned the MG42 the nickname "Hitler's Zipper". The MG42 has influenced many modern designs and has served till the year 1999.

This is the mp28. Even though it's a WW1 era weapon, it was one of the first submachine guns ever, and when the Brits discovered it, they wrote in the Versailles Treaty that the German's were not allowed to research this sort of weapon, as it was too deadly.

German tanks are a different story. They weren't the best tanks(the Russians made better tanks towards the end of the war), but the Panther and Tiger were too high tech for WW2 tanks.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

epic tank almost fail

I tried out a three-coloured camo with my Tiger II, but it failed. Miserably.

First layer was green(no pic), then I covered the bits I wanted in green with glutack, then sprayed it beige.

Then I covered the bits I wanted in beige with more glutack, and sprayed the rest in brown.

Trust me, it came out bad. So I changed it all to this:

This post is very old, I just realized that it was laying around unpublished.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I don't like talkin' bout politics, but I've gotta admit, even though George W. Bush failed epicly as a politician, he succeeded as a comedian. Here's some of the things he said while in office:

I know how hard it is for you to put food on your family

I care what 51 percent of the people think about me.

I know the human being and the fish can coexist peacefully.

It was amazing I won. I was running against peace and prosperity and incumbency.

Well, you know, I think the American people are sacrificing now. I think they're waiting in airport lines longer than they've ever had before.

There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — [pauses] - shame on you. Fool me — You can't get fooled again.

I'm sure there's plenty more out there, but I'm not in the mood for THIS blog in particular.
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